Trackday Information
What to bring, where to bring it and how to ride safely…

Fun, safe, fast or slow
Trackday Information and Rules
To ensure that all involved have a safe and fun day please familiarise yourself with the following trackday information and rules and legal notice. Please note that this event is a private hire restricted to registered riders and support people and guests only.
Riding Groups:
Group 1 (Red) – Fast riding. For expert/experienced riders.
Group 2 (Yellow) – Fast to medium speed riding. For experienced riders.
Group 3 (Blue) – Medium speed riding. For intermediate riders.
Group 4 (Green) – Slower speed riding. For novice & trackday first-timers.

Groups have 6 riding sessions each during the day of around 15 minutes per session. Groups will be called to the pit lane assembling area 5 minutes prior to start time. Riders may change groups during the day if group maximum numbers permit. Riders with more than one bike may be allocated an additional group only if numbers permit.
Documentation & Bike Check 7:45 am to 9:10 am
Riders Briefing 9:15 am
Riding Sessions 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Riding Rules:
You may ride at your own pace. When slowing down or exiting to pit lane indicate by raising your left arm. Stay to the outside of the track (right-side for Pukekohe, left-side for Manfeild) when exiting to pit lane (40kph speed limit). Do not ride the track, pit lane or anywhere on the circuit in a reverse direction. No stoppies or wheelies permitted on the track or pit lane.
All circuits now operate a full system of Circuit Safety lights, these replace flags, but flags may also be used.
Yellow Flag/light: Caution, slow down and be aware of a change with track conditions.
Red Flag/light: Session halted. Slow down, be aware of track conditions and exit at pit lane. Red flags/lights may be deployed with the Ambulance Flag.
Ambulance Flag (white with red cross): Ambulance on track, slow down and give way to ambulance. With red flag/light exit at pit lane.
Black Flag: Flagged rider must immediately exit at pit lane and report to flag control. There may be an issue with your bike.
Flashing Green light, start line only: End of session. Slow down and exit at pit lane.
Documentation and Bike Check:
All riders must complete documentation and may need to attend bike check.
All riders must have a NZ motorcycle licence or an MNZ race licence or their international equivalents.
Learner or restricted licence riders may be limited to the slower riding groups.
Bikes may need to attend Bike Check for mechanical fitness. Bikes that are damaged or breakdown on the track must attend Bike Check again before returning to the track.
Riding gear (helmet, clothing, boots and gloves) must be to an approved standard fit for purpose.
The Bike Checker’s decision on mechanical fitness and acceptable riding gear is absolute and final.
Legal Notice:
Moto Track Time Limited (MotoTT) and or Playday on Track Limited (Playday) reserves the right to change or alter the abovementioned track day information, rules and time schedule at any time as MotoTT/ Playday sees fit.
No persons, or any vehicle, other than registered riders and their motorcycles, are permitted on the track at any time unless specifically authorised by MotoTT/ Playday.
MotoTT/ Playday reserves the right to expel any rider or support person or guest at any time as MotoTT/ Playday sees fit and no refund of any monies will be given.
MotoTT/ Playday will not be held responsible for any injury to or death of any person or the loss or damage to the property of any person participating in or attending this track day whether caused by failure of MotoTT/ Playday or its employees, agents, subcontractors, associates or promotional partners to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement or by their negligence or fault.
For reasons of Force Majeure MotoTT / Playday reserves the right to postpone or cancel this track day. Should this track day or any part thereof be cancelled, a refund of any monies will only be made at the sole discretion of MotoTT / Playday.
MotoTT / Playday will not enter into any correspondence with regard to any claim that may arise from the participation or attendance by any person at this track day.

What is MotoTT/ Playday?
MotoTT (Moto Track Time Limited) and or Playday (Playday on Track Limited) is an independent company established in 2003 by a group of experienced enthusiasts to provide professionally run trackdays on a regular basis at Motorsport Parks in New Zealand. Currently we host events at Pukekohe and Manfeild motorsport parks and once every 2 year we do The Southern Tour and do multiple South Islands track all in a week, that’s 3 tracks and an awesome trip.
What types of bikes can be ridden on the track?
We welcome all types of road bikes, track bikes, race bikes and supermotards. Not permitted on the track are bikes with off-road/knobbly tyres, miniature bikes, bikes and side-cars, trikes and quads.
How to Book and Pay
How do I book a place at a trackday?
Go to the “Booka Track Day” page on this website for information on how to pre-register and reserve a place at a trackday.
Pre-paid riders have a guaranteed place at a trackday. Please note that the prepaid rider fee is non-refundable if the rider does not attend the trackday.
Pay-on-day riders are welcome but Moto TT and or Playday cannot guarantee we will have room to take the booking if the day is sold out. We will then accept riders who are on our waiting list on the day to fill the places of any no-shows.
What happens if I am not pre-registered and turn up on the day?
If the trackday is not fully booked we can offer you a spot on the day. If the trackday is fully booked we will take your details at registration and you will then go on the waiting list. At the end of the Rider Registration (around 10.00am) we will then offer vacant spots on the basis of the order of the waiting list.
How can I pay on the day?
Cash is required for pay-on-day registrations. We do accept eftpos or credit cards. Cheques are not accepted.
Can I get a refund if I pre-pay and don’t turn up on the day?
No. Refunds are not given unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Will the trackday be held if it rains?
Yes unless the track is unrideable and then the trackday will be rescheduled.
Gift Vouchers
How do I purchase a gift voucher.
Gift Vouchers are issued at the prepaid rider fee value of $150 The vouchers can be used at Taupo or Manfeild and have a 12 month validity. For further information please email us at
Registration and Bike check
Am I required to register on the day?
Yes all riders are required to complete and sign a registration form and receive an armband before riding on the track.
What happens at bike check time?
Your bike and riding gear maybe checked for safety reasons. Your bike should not have worn tires, worn brake pads, overly loose or too tighter chain or be leaking oil or other fluids. Your steering head and swing arm movement may also be checked. Any glass will be taped. If in doubt we highly recommend to have your motorcycle shop check your bike that your bike is fit for the intended track day.
What type of riding gear do I need to have?
Purpose designed motorcycle textile or leather road riding safety gear with impact protection in good condition (full face helmet, gloves, boots, jacket, pants) is required. Open face helmets, denim jackets, jeans and sneakers are not acceptable as riding gear for riders riding on the track. Although not mandatory we recommend wearing a purpose designed separate back protector.
What type of licence do I need to have?
A current NZ drivers licence or MNZ (Motorcycling New Zealand) race licence or their overseas equivalents is required.
Groups, Sessions and Riding Time
How many groups are there and how fast can I go?
There is no speed limit on the track. You may go as fast or as slow as you like. However choose a group to ride in that best suits your riding ability. We normally run 4 riding groups.
Group 1 is for expert/experienced riders who wish to ride at a fast pace.
Group 2 is for experienced/intermediate riders.
Group 3 is for intermediate riders.
Group 4 is for less experienced riders or first timers on the track who wish to ride at a slower pace.
How many riders will there be in a group?
Bookings are limited by group maximums. Group 2 & 3 are the most popular and for a fully booked trackday may have around 35 riders for the full track. Group 4 is normally the smallest with around 25 to 30 riders at a fully booked day.
Can I change groups during the day?
Yes but subject to space being available in the group. Check at the registration desk if you wish to change groups.
Can I bring more than one bike to ride on the track and does it cost more?
You can ride more than one bike and there is no extra rider fee if you ride in one group. If you wish to ride in more than one group an extra rider fee is applicable.
How long is a riding session for a group?
Sessions will last around 15 minutes . Each group will normally have 6 sessions in the day. If time remains at day end we may run a few extra shorter sessions with combined groups to complete the day. Riding begins at about 9.30am with group 4 out first. We have a 30 minute lunch break at around 1.00pm and the day ends at 4.30pm. You may ride in excess of 150 km on the track so you may want to start with a full tank.
What kind of help is available if I haven’t been on the track before?
If you are unsure of the track layout we have a maps of the tracks. A MotoTT rider will also lead each group around the track for the first lap of the first session at the beginning of the day. We can also provide help with bike tyre pressures recommended by tyre manufacturers for track riding. Please ask a MotoTT staff member as we have very experienced motorcycle mechanics and track riders helping on the day.
Track Riding Rules
When can I pass a slower rider in front of me?
You may pass a rider on the left or on the right except where the rider in front of you is entering and negotiating a corner whereby you may not overtake on the inside line. The most important rule to remember is that a rider in front of you has the right to hold his or her line at all times and particularly on corners. We have a strict 2 metre passing rule, the over taker must give the lead rider 2 metres of room throughout the entire passing manoeuvre. The onus is on the overtaker to pass safely at all times. The overtaker is identified as the trailing rider prior to the passing manoeuvre.
All circuits now operate a full system of Circuit Safety lights, these replace flags, but flags may also be used.
What happens if a yellow flag or a yellow circuit light is deployed?
A bike may have stopped or be off the track. Slow down and be aware of the track conditions. No overtaking after the yellow flag/light or until you see a green flag or circuit light
What happens when a red flag/light (and in conjunction with an ambulance flag)?
A bike or rider may be lying on the track or the track may have debris or oil on it. Slow down, No overtaking and be aware of the track conditions, give way to the ambulance if on the track and leave the track immediately at the exit to pit lane.
Will a red flag end a session?
Not necessarily. The group will be restarted for the remaining time of their session if practicable. Riders should reform in the pit lane area whilst the track is cleared.
What happens if I am black flagged?
Exit to pit lane immediately. You may have a problem with your bike that you are not aware of or we may need to discuss with you the track rules. No wheelies or stoppies permitted on the track or in pit lane.
Can I take a pillion on the track?
No sorry no pillions are allowed
Bike Set-up, Insurance, Emergency Services, Photography, Food and Fuel
What tyre pressure should I have for track riding?
Lower tyre pressures than those recommended for road riding help to heat your tyres up quickly for track riding. Please feel free to ask for advice at bike check or any time during the day about tyre pressures and suspension set-up or any other questions you may have about track riding.
Am I covered by my bike insurance whilst riding on the track?
Check your policy or ask the question of your insurance provider.
Several insurance companies provide coverage for their customers attending MotoTT/ Playday trackdays.
What happens if my bike breaks down or is damaged and I can’t ride home?
If you are not able to arrange transport for your bike we will temporarily store your bike and gear for you.
Do you have a photographer at the trackday?
Yes a MotoTT/ Playday sanctioned photographer will be on the circuit during the day and photos will be available for viewing on our Facebook page a few days after the trackday.
Will medical help be available at the track?
Yes an ambulance and qualified staff will be stationed on-site for the whole day.
Will food and drinks be available at the track?
Yes. Hot food and drinks and other snacks will be available all day through on-site vendors. Alcohol is not permitted anywhere within the Pukekohe and Manfeild Motorsport Circuits.
Where can I purchase fuel?
The nearest service station to the Pukekohe Circuit is a Mobil station on Manakau Road. There is a Mobil Service station located opposite the Rata Street entrance to Manfeild Park.
Our Sponsors

Pricing & Requirements
Find out what to wear, what to bring, when to get there and what it will cost!
Book A Track Day
MotoTT track days are designed to be a fun, non-competitive environment for you to enjoy riding your bike in a safe environment and to practice your riding skills. Go as fast or as slow as you like with no cars to worry about. Experienced coaches are available at every event at no extra charge.